Thursday, 31 May 2012


Successfully got my botched up bag to Heathrow - needed a lot of gaffa tape and some rudimentary homemade handles (thanks Dad!).  Also got them to put a fragile sticker on - if that actually does anything - as need to look after that beautiful limited edition leather Brooks saddle, which in turn will look after my rear.  You know you want one Christiaan!

It is nice to be able to take a flight and not have to work.  Let's just hope BA make it a good one!

Bon voyage.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Heading to Heathrow in a bit.  Next contact will be from USA!


Just an update on my route.

So, starting in Washington DC and will drop down into Virginia before heading due West.  Over the Appalachians and into Kentucky.  Skirt the bottom of Illinois before crossing the mighty Mississippi into Missouri.  Now the part I am most nervous about - Kansas.  It will be hot, dusty, flat for mile upon mile and have lots of headwinds (but hoping to witness a tornado - from a safe distance)!  Next into Colorado and then north into the Rocky Mountains through Wyoming and Montana.  Now west again through Idaho and then hit the Pacific in Oregon.  Finally I will head up the Pacific coast into Washington before crossing the border into Canada and finishing in Vancouver.

Sounds easy on paper!  (gulp)

Final Packing

One day to go now!

I have finished packing and managed to put it all in a large canvas bag.  Altogether it weighs 16.9kg.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

'Shake down'

I am pretty much packed, and with a tent and sleeping bag included, I am roughly going to be pulling 16-17kg, which is considered 'medium weight'.

I have, however, been thinking about it at night, and I am worried I am taking too much!  Some ultralight specialised go as far as to cut toothbrushes in half and rip out the pages they have read in books.  I am not sure I can comply with this mentality, plus I like a full length toothbrush, but there is a lot to be said in keeping it light, especially as I hit the Appalachians pretty soonish in the trip!

When reading cycle touring articles, you often hear the phrase 'shake down'.  Basically, you go on a weekend/short cycle with all your equipment to test everything works.  I was reminded of this in a bicycle shop the other day.  I was pretending to be interested in buying a Surly off them so I could finalise sizes, and the owner asked how long I had till the start.  When I said I was off in two weeks, he advised on hurrying up and buying so that I could ride it for at least a week to 'break it in' and also tighten up the wires after a bit of use and adjust any components for comfort.

I'm sure this helps as a selling technique, but there is a lot to be said in it.

I am not going to be able to do a 'shake down', except for a small ride in central Washington, but I am going to re-pack with minimalism in mind! 

If you have read Bill Bryson's Walk in the Woods, it reminds me of the first days trekking he does, and how his mate throws away all the food (only finding out the next day at breakfast) because he never tried the backpack fully packed before!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Ride the Divide

I watched this documentary on one of the flights I took for work a couple of months ago, and it really gave me some inspiration to do the Trans America.

Well worth watching!

Four Days

Four days and counting until departure.

I am currently in Amsterdam helping Andrea move to a new apartment, which is not much fun in this weather!

Last Friday I went to see a physio about my back, which has been troubling me for a few weeks and was beginning to worry me.  I have pulled a rotating muscle in my lower back, but cycling should not cause it damage, and it will slowly heal!

I guess it is only minor, but when you are this close to a dream trip, with all the personal and financial sacrifice that has gone into it, you are scared by the smallest things!

Finally, I have bought my reading material.  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Clear Waters Rising by Nicolas Crane.  By my standards, I will be lucky to complete one of them before the end of the trip!

Friday, 25 May 2012


One of my big concerns about this trip is the weather.

Currently the UK is experiencing a heatwave of just under 30c, and cycling up the small hill to my house is sweaty business!

But on the first half of my trip, 30c will be the minimum, and that is before the humidity.

I guess I will acclimatize after a few weeks or so.  Also, I plan to get mile under the belt early in the morning, before it gets humid, and with the sun on my back, rather than in the eyes.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips, let me know.

Visa Arrived

My US visa arrived this morning.

Slowly getting there!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Big News

Today I cycled into town and then back - a round trip of 2.2 miles - so getting some hardcore training in!

Big news, I have bought the bike!  So when I arrive in Washington, the bike will be waiting for me.  Mention must go to Revolution Cycles in Georgetown, very nice people.

The other big news (and some may say bigger) is that my Mum has found out she gets free calls to the USA on her AOL broadband package.  Unreal!!!

Finally I have also bought my roof for the next 3 months...a lovely green tent.  For me,'s a 1 person tent!!!

Flights Booked

Booked my flights!

Into Washington DC on 31st May and out of Vancouver on 11th September all with British Airways.

Let's just hope I make it to Vancouver in time (although plan to be there a week or so before leaving).

Monday, 21 May 2012

26" or 700c

Wheel size is my new dilemma!

The bike looks so much better in 700c (large size) wheels.  But 26" wheels are stronger and outside of W.Europe and USA, 700c are quite hard to come by.  Will I be taking this bike to Africa/S.America/Asia in the future???

Let's sleep on it.


Today my application for a US tourist visa (allowing me to stay for 90+ days) was accepted, so I can now do the final preparations - better late than never considering I am leaving in a week and a bit!

I was anticipating a bombardment of questions from the official, but he was more interested in my route...nice guy.  He wanted to know if I was going through his home state Colorado (which I am)!

USA here I come!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Surly LHT

I have decided to go with the Surly Long Haul Trucker for this journey.  It is really a bike that does it all.  Also, what better than to cycle across the USA on a USA-made bicycle!  Made from great American steel (probably not).

Vertical Sailing

Check out this video - particularly funny when radioing about trouble with musical compositions over climbing!


Tomorrow I am off to Kazakhstan for my last job before the cycle!

I am going to a couple of places in the country, which by the way is the size of Europe, but have 2 nights in Almaty.

Looking forward to visiting Kazakhstan.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

George on the Trans America

Starting at the beginning of June, I plan to cycle across the USA from Yorktown, Virginia, to Vancouver, Canada.  This will be a solo and unaided cycle!

The route is approximately 4600 miles and will take me through 2 countries and 12 states.  I will cross the Appalachian and Rocky mountain ranges, the Mississippi, the central Prairie and follow the North Pacific coast.  I could experience temperatures from 0 to well over 30 degrees centigrade, and will climb to over 11 000 feet.

This is not a charity ride, but purely for enjoyment and adventure!  I will write an online diary as I go and try to upload photos - just so you can share the view, people and widelife of North America from your office/home computer!
